Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Social Media and Facebook Comments Are Changing Our Reading Experience

 The internet has changed the way we do a lot of things. Reading is definitely one of them.

Now, it is the same book store chains that have in the past been so successful which are facing a threat from the internet.More specifically: eBooks.People still love to read a good novel.There are millions of people around the world who read Romance Booksand are always looking out for new books from their favorite authors.However, the way that they are getting these books has changed significantly over the past few years.This can be showcased very well by a recent report by Durham Region News in Canada.Those who left a popular book store empty handed were asked as to why they did not purchase anything.

While some have said that they did not find what they were looking for or that they were just there to browse the books and didnt intend to buy anything today, there is one answer that should be of concern to book stores.Some people have simply stated that they came to the store to look at available books, check them out and then said that they would be buying the electronic version of the book online as it is much cheaper than buying a print book.The bottom line is, the sales of eBooks is growing.While certain sites specialize in selling a specific kind of eBook, such as Erotic Books, many others like Amazons Kindle web store sell digital books of all kinds.Social networking sites are also responsible for the growth of electronic books.This is because they allow authors, especially independent authors, to get in touch with their readers more directly and get their feedback on their work India.

Some social networking sites, like GoodReads, have been specially set up to meet the needs of authors and book lovers alike.Ebooks simply make it a lot easier for authors to market their works through social media sites, as they would become available for instant download and readers wouldnt have to get up from their computers in order to buy the book at a store, or wait for it to arrive in the mail.This instant availability is something that the internet is very well known for.However, physical book stores are not in danger of disappearing yet.As paper books are something that has been part of civilization for the past few centuries, it is unlikely that they will disappear any time soon.However, book stores will need to make some adjustments, such as introducing new discounts to keep customers interested in buying their booksArticle Search, or making electronic editions of books available on their website if they want to stay in business.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

How To Boost Your Revenue In The Hospitality Sector Through Facebook Comments

What are some of the best ways to boost revenue in you are in the hospitality sector? Specifically restaurants.

If you manage a restaurant you will be aware how important it is to stay up to date with modern trends and not get left behind. If you aren’t up to the industry standard set every year, you could be left in the dark ages by your competitors country. For restaurants in particular, there’s lots to compete with. Takeaways, chain restaurants, pubs, even people staying at home and cooking on their own. Currently it’s very competitive within the catering industry and not just between restaurants. There is no magical formula for success in 2018, but there are a few tips below, which might just help you bring in extra revenue.

Event Nights

Bring customers in with events nights throughout the course of the year. There are plenty of opportunities to get more people coming in through the door, without breaking the bank. All celebrated holidays are the perfect opportunity to get people in.

Throughout the course of a regular week, you could also offer ‘special deals’ to help you bring in customers through the quiet patches of a day. Some chain pubs offer themed food nights such as Curry Night on Tuesdays, Fish nights another evening. ‘Happy hour’, ‘early bird deals’ or ‘lunchtime discounts’ are a great way of getting in extra customers, during what would normally be slow parts of the day. Depending on your type of establishment, why not put on an entertainment night? Ask an appropriate band to play, or even bring a comedian in.

Big Influencers

Word of mouth is perhaps the best possible marketing tool available to a restaurant. Unfortunately, there is no way for restaurants to control this, apart from delivering fantastic service. Some people’s word of mouth can be more valuables than others. By tapping in with food bloggers, critics or members of the local press and delivering them a great evening, they can effectively tell a lot more people about your restaurant than one person can.

Loyalty Scheme

One of the best ways for any business to survive, is repeat custom and more importantly loyal customers. As well as a great service, why not incentivise your customers into coming again? Offer them a loyalty card so that when they come 5 times, they can be rewarded with a discount, or a free drink.

Delivery Operations

We all know that fast food restaurants offer lots of potential when it comes to delivery. But over the past few years, there has been plenty of room for restaurants to move into delivery too. With apps like Uber Eats, Grubhub and Deliveroo, traditional restaurants have been able to tap into the delivery market. However, this is of course dependant on what kitchen capabilities you have. The most important thig is keeping your customers happy within the restaurant!


Social Media

With social media so readily available, it’s one of the most efficient ways of communicating with customers. You can encourage people to talk about you online when they come to visit and share their views with all of their followers online. Importantly you need to treat social media like the great marketing platform it is. Create profiles on the platforms which are going to be most relevant to you. What social media does better than anything, is give you the chance to actively engage with customers, which can in turn offer you the information to feed into your business development. Social Media can also give you a great opportunity to offer last minute deals to customers. You can post out to all the followers you have picked up on social media and show all of your weekly or daily offers. 

Emails and Texts

Emails and texts can be a constant way of getting in touch with your customers. If you can offer them a small bonus or reward for signing up to your mailing lists, you can regularly send them out promotions and news regarding the business. It’s important not to send too much to your customers, but you want to send out reminders that you are here.

A great way of getting your business out there and communicating with people, is handing out flyers to local businesses and households. But instead of simply printing out a bog-standard flyer advertising the restaurant, include a miniature menu and give people an idea of the sort of food you produce. This way people can have a quick look at what you’re producing and decide if it’s for them. 


TripAdvisor has been a brilliant advocate for pulling in customers, but it can work just as well against you if you’re not careful. Sometimes you might not do much wrong and simply get the wrong kind of customer who leaves a negative review. The important thing is to respond in a professional manner and address the problem, no matter 

You don’t have to try all these techniques together to boost your revenue and some of them might not work for your business. However, it’s worth giving some of them a go to see which work best for you. Most restaurant owners know their clientele well and with these tips can be the judge of what will work best.

Mastering Content Scheduling: The Key to Effective Marketing Using Facebook Comments

Crafting a well-thought-out editorial calendar is not just about avoiding the last-minute rush; it's a strategic approach that enhances brand consistency, reduces stress, and aligns your marketing efforts with your business goals. By planning your content in advance, you can ensure that your marketing messages are delivered clearly and effectively, building trust and credibility with your audience.

The Power of an Editorial Calendar

Have you ever found yourself scrambling to create a blog post or social media update at the eleventh hour? You're not alone. Many marketers have been in the same boat, struggling to produce quality content under pressure. However, the adoption of an editorial calendar can transform this chaotic process into a streamlined and stress-free routine female comments.

An editorial calendar is a scheduling tool for your content marketing that allows you to plan your blog posts, social media updates, and other content in advance. This foresight gives you the opportunity to consider how each piece of content contributes to your overall business and marketing strategy, enhancing the quality and impact of your work.

Benefits of Using an Editorial Calendar

  • Clarity and Brand Alignment: An editorial calendar helps maintain a consistent voice and message across all your content, reinforcing your brand identity.
  • Consistency and Trust: Regular posting, such as weekly blog updates and daily social media engagement, establishes reliability, encouraging your audience to look forward to your content.
  • Stress Reduction: By scheduling content creation in advance, you can work at a comfortable pace and explore innovative ways to present your business.
  • Strategic Timing: Analyzing past engagement allows you to identify the best times to post, maximizing your content's reach and effectiveness.
  • Professionalism: A well-planned content schedule demonstrates your commitment to your marketing efforts and helps you integrate seamlessly with ongoing campaigns.
  • Content Repurposing: With an editorial calendar, you can strategically space out repurposed content, ensuring that your audience sees fresh material without the need for constant creation.

Crafting an Effective Editorial Calendar

  • Define Your Goals: Establish clear objectives for each content outlet to ensure your content is targeted and cohesive.
  • Simplify Your Process: Use a single editorial calendar for all content channels to streamline your workflow. Tools like CoSchedule, Trello, or a simple Google spreadsheet can be effective without overwhelming you.
  • Daily Engagement: Make it a habit to review your editorial calendar daily, setting reminders if necessary to reinforce this new routine.
  • Maintain a Running List: Continuously add new ideas to your calendar, assigning dates and reordering as your strategy evolves.
  • Analyze and Adapt: Regularly assess which content performs best and adjust your calendar to reflect your audience's preferences.
  • By dedicating time and effort to your content marketing and utilizing an editorial calendar, you can say goodbye to last-minute panic and hello to a more effective, professional marketing strategy.

The Unseen Impact of Editorial Calendars

While the benefits of editorial calendars are widely recognized, there are some compelling statistics and facts that often go unnoticed:

  • According to the Content Marketing Institute, 63% of businesses don't have a documented content strategy, which an editorial calendar can help to formalize. Content Marketing Institute
  • A study by Curata found that 90% of marketers now use an editorial calendar, with those who do being 33% more likely to be effective in their efforts. Curata
  • HubSpot reports that companies that prioritize blogging efforts are 13 times more likely to see positive ROI. An editorial calendar is crucial for maintaining a consistent blogging schedule. HubSpot

By embracing the strategic use of editorial calendars, marketers can not only improve their content quality and consistency but also significantly enhance their overall marketing ROI.

Friday, June 21, 2024


Digital marketing is done basically to make one’s own brand presence, it’s products and services presented in the online world before its targeted customers, and SEO is the best tool known which helps an organization to come at first at all search engines whenever the customer looks for it. To rank good at search engines one should follow the 6 simple steps:

Keywords - SEO is completely the game of keywords, one should first think carefully the keywords which properly and exactly defines and associate with their products and services to make SEO more effective .Think about d keywords which people generally look for on search engines and keywords related to your business industry Arab. Google Adwords tool can b used to see how competitive a particular keyword is n based on that if the keyword is competitive enough then choose d long keyword since long keywords are comparatively less competitive.

Meta tags- when u search for a particular keyword on a search engine,u find d same keyword in d title of search result pages, this is because Google finds the specific page or the description on that page relevant to your keyword.

Content- Quality Content should b used. It must b original, unique and most imp it should b search engine friendly .a fresh and relevant content is important to attract more traffic on your site n thereby making it more popular and also it increases site credibility before visitors.

Backlinks - getting quality backlinks to your site is more important rather than getting a large number of irrelevant links. for that, u should submit articles, blogs, newsletters, press releases, or any other imp news or information related to your industry in various popular directories. If your content is being liked then some websites or bloggers may also b interested in linking back at your site.

Use of Social media:  it’s imp to make a concrete online presence at social media sites also such as Facebook, twitter, Linkedin , Google plus, etc. Since social media sites send signals of influence and authority to various search engines.

Keywords for images/graphics- images and graphics placed on d site also play a significant role in doing SEO search results are based not only on content but also on images, proper Images speaks louder than content so the relevant keyword in d title and description of the image should b used which helps the site is getting higher in search results.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Mastering The Art of Customer Experience – The Apple, Disney & Facebook Comments

 Established in 2024What do your customers want? This question has been asked more than any other question in today’s competitive business world. Undoubtedly, this era belongs to customer experience, and every company is striving to provide the best possible experience to its customers.

While it is crucial to understand your customers, it is equally important to explore the fundamentals of customer interaction. Every great business works on the rule of thumb of seeing the world through the customer’s eyes. After all, it is only then that you realize and redesign your business functions to create value in a customer-centric way black people.


“Walt Disney once said, “Whatever you do, do it well. Do it so well that when people see you do it, they will want to come back and see you do it again, and they will want to bring others and show them how well you do what you do.”

You may wonder how some of the most successful organizations are able to deliver a seamless customer experience? Here we share some really valuable customer experience lessons from the best in the business.

1. Apple Customer Experience – Building Insanely Great Customer Loyalty

Apple is one of the world’s most valuable companies. Also, Apple’s customer support is exceptional and highly visible, which helps build trust and improves customer experience.

What Can You Learn From Apple?

The Custom Model

Apple follows a custom model that is based on the letters A- P- P- L- E. Employees are trained to walk a customer through the following five steps –

  • A- Approaching customers with a personalized touch
  • P- Probing into customer queries to understand their needs
  • P- Presenting a viable solution to the customer
  • L- Listening to and resolving the customer’s concerns as quickly as possible
  • E- Ending the conversation on an optimistic note and inviting them to follow up whenever necessary

The Power of Personal, Engaging Conversations

Customers return to your business when they feel attached to you. Apple believes in having engaging and active conversations with the customers, in person and online via Apple website or social media platforms.

The “Town Square” Customer Experience

Angela Ahrendts, Apple’s senior Vice President, Retail, said that the company’s new stores focus more on enriching customers’ lives rather than just selling them things. She says that “We are reinventing the role our stores and employees play in the community. We want to be more like a town square, where the best of Apple comes together, and everyone is welcome”. The Apple store is now the most prominent product from the company with new features like the latest iPads, iPhones, Watches, Macbooks, and Apple TV.

What’s interesting about these stores is that they are not just meant for the entrepreneurs to discuss their ideas but also for kids to learn to code. Apple stores organize ‘Hour of Code” workshops for school kids to teach them the Swift programming language.

The Importance of Employee Training and Onboarding

Apple’s training manuals focus on communication skills, and it ranges from non-verbal communication interpretation to an empathetic attitude. According to a report by Biddle, Apple employees are trained to utilize a technique called “The Three Fs: Feel, Felt, Found.”

2. Disney Customer Experience – Creating Magical Moments For Customers

Disney is linked with the idea of creating incredible and memorable experiences. In this increasingly competitive global economy, Disney emerges as the king of customer experience. With a business vision to create the most magical resorts to the most memorable characters, Disney has made these fantasies come alive.

What Can You Learn From Disney?

Create Personalized Experiences

Disney has mastered the art of taking an experience meant for millions and personalizing it for the individuals. Disney, through their smartphone app and MagicBand, creates a customized experience for their guests. When the guests come to pick their tickets up, they can get a button that gives them the reason for celebrating at Disney, whether it is a marriage, a birthday, a first-time visit, and so on.

Take Constant Feedback

The only way to improve customer experience is to know what customers actually feel about you. It is essential to understand the customer’s pain points and take steps towards eliminating them.

Disney has implemented listening posts where they can directly learn about customer feedback.

It has survey teams in the theme parks that capture customer feedback at the entrance and the exit points. They also have the provision of in-app feedback and welcome suggestions on email from all their guests.

3. Tesla Customer Experience – Quicker Feedback Loops, Creating Better Products

The electric-car pioneer Tesla has paved the way for a new customer experience model in the automotive industry. The engineers at Tesla are involved in a continuous process of achieving customer feedback loops.

That is, customer feedback is essential to Tesla, especially when it comes to creating better products, building customer loyalty, and exploring new business ideas.

What Can You Learn From Tesla?

Good Experience Creates Loyal Customers

According to Clean Technica, Tesla’s customers have an overall satisfaction rating of 80%. A staggering 80% of customers buy or lease another Tesla for their next car. From the beginning of the car buying experience, Tesla makes sure that the customers have a hassle-free experience.

The employees communicate the business model and their energy mission effectively to the buyers. Customers have the option to purchase cars either from Tesla’s stores or through their website. The vehicle is customizable, and there is a dedicated team that guides the customers through payment, document signing, and delivery.

Fast Feedback is Everything

According to Harvard Business Review, the company makes about 20 engineering changes every week in its Model S vehicle, most of which are based on the data derived from customers’ driving experiences. According to the company, “These automobile changes include new battery packs, updated safety, and autopilot hardware”

Tesla incorporates the concept of “Fast Feedback,” that is, the faster the feedback can be gathered, the better. It helps the company to understand what customers are particularly looking for, in terms of features and functionalities.

Use Social Platforms To Interact With Users

Tesla is an excellent example of how social media platforms can be put to use in improving overall customer experience. No one uses Twitter as skillfully as Elon Musk.

Be Bigger Than Your Product

Tesla has a mission that is bigger than just cars. Its mission is to “accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.” Every Tesla employee is committed to this purpose and educates the customers about the concept of clean energy.

Every great business is built on a vision, a vision to create something that makes the lives of people easier. It demands the implementation of logical frameworks into executable ideas that can then be turned into actionable steps and help the business evolve and grow.

Reliable Communication is a preferred sales partner for sales process outsourcing and call center services with expertise in tele-calling services for in-bound and out-bound calling, voice recorded calling, direct sales services, lead generation service for sectors like Retail, Banking, Finance, Telecom, Real Estate, Education, DTH and Insurance and so on.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Why Foreign Businesses Should Invest in Facebook Comments ?

 The role of social media has changed a lot in the past few years. From just being a platform for connecting with friends, it has become a source of latest updates and useful information for users, influencing buyer's decisions through promotions and an ideal platform for advertisers to advertise and promote their products.

Weibo advertising is an online advertising strategy used to promote the products online on the social media platform, Weibo.

Weibo is China's oldest social media network. At one time, it used to be the only social platform in China. With time, other social media platforms appeared in the Chinese digital landscape, but still, Weibo holds the reputation of one of the most popular social media networks in China over the years.

Advertising on such a widely accepted social platform will be a great boost for any business. Have a look at some key benefits of Weibo advertising comments hero .

1. Vast exposure 

Weibo boasts of more than 400 million monthly active users. No business would want to miss the opportunity of reaching out to such a huge audience. Weibo has different advertising options that allow you to interact with your target audience. You can reach out to your target audience and build a large fan base. Also, people from all corners of China use Weibo to interact with their friends, family, and colleagues. You can target users from all across China.

2. Increase sales

Weibo is an ideal platform for advertising. You can target your potential customers based on their demographics and interests. This ability to target customers based on demographics and interests increases the chances of sales. You can also choose the location of ads. You can display ads, run campaigns, form groups, promote content in user's newsfeed, and directly sell on Weibo.

3. Improve brand awareness

Weibo advertising helps you build brand awareness. There is no secret to improve your brand awareness. You have to consistently keep interacting with your target audience. Advertising options like fan tunnel, allow you to promote a specific post or your account at the top of the user’s newsfeed. When you don’t have a huge fan following, this advertising option can give you immediate followers.

4. Increase website traffic

Weibo ads allow users to reach your company's website by clicking on them. It helps increase your website traffic. More importantly, these users are voluntarily visiting your website. So there are probable chances of conversions. When users visit your website, they can learn more about your product or services. And if they like your product, they are more likely to purchase it. Increased quality web traffic also helps in SEO of your website as well.

5. Improve customer service

Weibo advertising allows easy and quick interaction between customers and businesses. Your customers can reach you anytime. If they have any issues, they can message you and reach you quickly. You can provide them better customer support by resolving their issues. This increases your brand credibility and builds brand loyalty. More importantly, this ease of interaction allows you to understand your customers better. They can comment on your post, give feedback, and post suggestions to let you know what they are expecting from you in the future.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

7 Ways to Attract More Facebbok Comments

Most roofing contractors always look for potential leads to grow their roofing business. Regardless of traditional marketing, the outcome isn't as expected. Nevertheless, numerous other marketing practices will help to get new prospects for your business and generate considerable leads. Among all marketing practices, digital marketing is one of the booming and in-demand opportunities that will benefit your roofing business. So, here we have brought to you the most effective ways that will take your roofing business to new horizons and elevate your leads count gradually.

1. Include Membership Plans

What if your clients return to your roofing services whenever they want? Well, membership plans are one of the ways to bring your existing customers back and maintain them for long. Under membership plans, you can charge one-time fees for the roof repair/replacement services and serve them for a specific time-frame (e.g., 2-3 years). This way, you can maintain a client/customer for 2-3 years and get ample time to target the new customer base. Running a membership plan includes the right offerings that a customer can't deny to take India

Hence, take time to research and find the best offerings under the membership plan.

2. Focus on SEO

Search Engine Optimization is one of the most effective digital marketing practices that bestow multiple benefits to your roofing business. With the right roofing SEO, you can increase traffic to your website and get a plethora of queries to convert. Further, roofing SEO also helps you boost user-engagement, trust, and business reputation worldwide. Hiring the right roofing SEO agency means you are paying a minimal amount in return to colossal business growth. Above all, the efforts of SEO remain active for a long duration. Putting efforts today will pay-off for years at the same pace.

However, you are always recommended to continue investing in roofing SEO services to retain your rankings and grow your web traffic.

3. Utilize Social Media

Social Media platforms have nowadays become a strong marketing asset to interact with new/existing customers and build trust for your business. Through social media, you can not only entertain queries of existing customers/clients but also dig new clients. Different social platforms offer different opportunities to find potential clients and serve your roofing services. Remember, you must mark your presence as a roofing contractor or roofing company. Furthermore, you must entertain clients through business pages/accounts. 

Personal profiles/accounts are never fruitful for anyone looking to grow their roofing business.

4. Give Free Roof Estimates and Inspections

Expecting FREE is a human tendency, and as a business, you should learn to take advantage of this. Offering free roof inspection is a smart yet most effective way to bring clients to your doorstep. This is an effective way to increase your lead count. Further, it will increase your conversion rate as well. However, the conversion entirely depends upon how your roofing inspection team works and what it delivers under the free package. 

A detailed roof inspection under the FREE package will compel the clients to reach your business and ask for queries. You can take advantage of this opportunity and convert a user into a customer.

5. Invest in Google Ads [For Quick Leads]

If you don't want to wait for long and are looking for strategies with quick results, Google Ads is an effective option to choose from. With Google Ads, you can expect quick leads that no other marketing strategy can provide you. However, Google Ads only delivers you results till you pay for it. In short, the more you invest, the more you earn. Simultaneously, Google Ads gives you the liberty to reach high-potential clients through audience targeting. It requires significant investment; hence you should prefer hiring a professional Google Ads marketing professional to handle your budget and Ad account.

6. Encourage Your Clients for Reviews & Testimonials

A website with testimonials has a high probability of getting leads compared to other websites without any testimonials. Reviews and testimonials from previous customers affect decision-making. Hence you must take advantage of this tactic and encourage your previous customers to review your service. Numerous third-party websites are available that collect user reviews and show them on the search results. Getting reviews on your Google My Business listing is also important to tell your quality to new customers.

7. Maintain a Fully Responsive Website: 

Nevertheless, your entire marketing efforts will go into vain if you are unable to serve your clients well. Your roofing business website is the 1st face that a client sees. Hence, it's crucial to maintain a smooth and fully-responsive website. Your website must run flawlessly on all devices and include relevant content, rich media alongside CTAs. Offering top-class user-experience to your clients will ultimately benefit your roofing business to enlist new clients onboard. Else, clients will bounce back to your competitors with the expectation of high-quality service & user-experience.